Some exotic pets are far easier to find than others and are often available for free. If you use Facebook look for a local "group" as somebody may be giving away a pet there, or selling it for a low price. In Canada the website kijiji is well known for hosting ads for pets for sale, and Craigslist is another place to look too. Check the bulletin boards at local stores, veterinarian offices, and livestock feed stores in particular.
Our pet Reeve's Turtle |
Pet stores rarely give animals away for free, or sell them cheap. Pet stores are in the business of making a profit so if they have a cheap (or free) pet it is possibly unhealthy, or one they need to get rid of quick for some reason or another.
Animal shelters, on the other hand, typically have exotic pets for adoption at a price far lower than you would find the same animal available for in a pet store. In some cases these animals were surrendered to the shelter with their cage and supplies and as such the shelter may give these away free with the pet adoption. Many animal shelters (SPCA, Humane Society, etc.) list some of their adoptable pets online but you should also check the shelter themselves to see what they have for adoption.
In some areas (such as where I am in Alberta) there are livestock auction markets that hold odd and unusual livestock and pet auctions in the spring and fall.
Before you get any exotic pet make sure you understand the proper care requirements for that animal. Make sure you can provide the right kind of environment and food. Make sure you can pay for any medical needs (ask your vet if they care for exotic pets).