Sunday, February 27, 2011

Dendrobates, Pets that can Kill, Maybe

Dendtrobates, better known as Poison Dart Frogs, or Poison Arrow Frogs, are available in the pet trade for people wish to have a small, but colorful, exotic pet. 

Discount Reptile Supplies at www.thatpetplace.comPoison Dart Frogs get their name from the fact that their skin secretes a poison, in some species this poison is enough to kill a human.   People in Central, and South America, where the frogs are from, have used the poison from certain frogs on their darts when hunting to kill game animals. In fact of over 170 different species, only 4 have been commonly used for this purpose, and many are as toxic as others.

In the pet trade it is generally believed that the frogs are less toxic, or not toxic at all, due to the fact their diet is not the same as that of wild frogs.  In the wild the poison dart frogs would be eating poisonous insects; ants, centipedes, and so forth, and their poison most likely comes through those sources.  It is still suggested to wear gloves when handling poison dart frogs because they can absorb chemicals from our skin that could harm them. 

Most keepers do not handle their pets, instead they set up their enclosure and simply enjoy viewing their small pets.

Poison dart frogs are generally not sold in regular pet stores, an interested buyer should seek out a breeder through reptile magazines, or at exotic pet shows. Captive bred animals should be purchased in favor of wild caught animals (which might be illegal).

Poison dart frogs require moist vivariums set up with lighting and heat according to the need of their species. 

See more pictures of Dendrobate Frogs
Read more on the care of Poison Dart Frogs
Read to see how Diet Impacts Frogs and Flamingos

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Pet Chinchillas

Here at the Cabin, I must admit I know very little about pet Chinchillas.  When I was very young some people in the house we lived in kept them, but I believe they were being raised for fur, rather than as pets. 

Today many people keep Chinchillas as pets.  They are about the size of a rabbit, however they do have different care needs.  For starters Chinchillas must have dusts baths, and are more active at night than rabbits are.  Where a rabbit can be often handled during the day, a Chinchilla is best left resting, handled in the morning, or evening instead.

photo source

Chinchillas are not beginners pets, and do require special care.  The lifespan of a Chinchilla can be 12 years or more, so they are a pet that should be well thought out.

Here is a link to determine if a Chinchilla is a good pet for you.

Here is a link on how to select and purchase a pet Chinchilla.

As with all pets, a Chinchilla should be purchased from a breeder, or adopted from an animal shelter, they should not be purchased from pet stores.  Pet stores get their chinchillas from mass breeders - the animals are not use to being handled, inbred, and will be over priced for their quality, and the parent animals may be housed in horrid conditions - which your purchase would continue to support.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Pet Conures

Conures are small, colorful, and playful, parrots.  They are smart and enjoy learning tricks.  There are many different species of Conures in the pet trade, these include:  Green Cheek Conure, Jenday Conure, Nanday Conure, Blue Crowned Conure, and the Sun Conure. 

Nanday Conure ©

Sun Conure ©

Conures tend to be noisy birds (although few learn many words), so may not be a pet suitable for every home. As well they can be nippy in play if not handled correctly, keeping in mind that birds tend to “test” thinks with their beak, if they “test” your finger, and you pull back, they learn this as a game, and can soon become biters.

Conures require large cages, with thicker bars than would be needed for a budgie, or cockatiel. They must have enough time out of the cage to meet their mental requirements.  It should be noted that conures need 10 - 12 hours sleep a night, and prefer to be in the dark for sleeping, so should have their cage covered.

Conures are generally a friendly bird, especially if raised correctly, and many enjoy cuddling in blankets or with toys. However one should be aware that it is best to buy Conure from a reputable bird breeder, not a pet store.

Pet Conures can live up to 25 years, so should be considered as a long term commitment.
Read More:

Friday, February 4, 2011

Pet African Rainbow Crabs

Not everyone wants a furry pet, not everyone has space, or time, for a larger animal.  For those people a African Rainbow Crab may be the ideal solution.

African Rainbow Crabs are larger and more active than the Hermit Crab, making them a more interesting pet.  They come from the coastal regions of west Africa.  Rainbow Crabs are often called "soapbox crabs" or "moon crabs" however these names can also refer to other species of crab, to be sure, a Rainbow Crab is correctly known under the species name "Cardisoma armatum".

They are a land crab and when kept as pets must have more land, than water, in their enclosure. 

Read some Great Links on Rainbow Crabs

Easy to Care for Pets: Introducing the Rainbow Crab

How to look after a Pet Rainbow Crab

How a Rainbow Crab Moults its Exoskeleton