Sunday, December 9, 2012

Tips on Getting a Pet Rabbit

Are you thinking of getting a pet rabbit?

Rabbits are pretty good pets for the certain people such as those who do not have time or space for a cat or dog. Rabbits are active in the day (unlike hamsters and other nocturnal pets) and can be walked on a leash when using a harness.

There are several breeds of rabbits, some being rather small and others being very large (often used for meat). Fluffy rabbits require proper grooming and regular brushing. Breed selection is very important, keeping in mind that the larger rabbits will need a lot more space. The lop eared rabbits also tend to need more space because in a small cage they tend to stand on their ears a lot which makes them dirty.
The size of the rabbit's cage, or hutch, is important. At the very least a small rabbit will need three square feet of space in its cage, while a larger rabbit may need six square feet of space. The smaller the cage the more time the rabbit should have out of it for exercise and mental stimulation.
Some people leave their rabbit loose in their house, allowing it to use a litter box much like cats do.
You must consider where you are going to keep your pet rabbit. While many people do keep pet rabbits outdoors in hutches this is not the ideal place. Not only do they tend to be neglected when outside but they also are at risk for attacks from predators and problems such as fly strike.
Rabbits need proper rabbit food, timothy hay, and fresh vegetables. You can feed them carrots, cucumbers, apples, and romaine lettuce (no other lettuces), but be sure to wash all vegetables first. You can also give a rabbit dandelion greens from your yard as long as you have not used any chemicals on your lawn.
Bedding in the cage should be straw, or aspen shavings; pine shavings are okay, but cedar shavings should never be used in a rabbit's cage.

When looking for your rabbit's supplies be sure to check That Pet Place for discounted pet supplies and treats.

Discount Pet Supplies at

General Considerations Before Getting a Pet Rabbit
  • Be sure you have space, and money, for a large cage.
  • Be sure you have time to let your rabbit out of its cage for at least 2 hours a day.
  • Can you make a lifetime commitment to owning a pet rabbit?
  • If you are planning on keeping your pet rabbit outdoors, is it safe from predators, will it be warm and dry in bad weather?
  • Where do you plan on getting your pet rabbit? Consider adopting your pet rabbit from an animal shelter.

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